Vision and mission


VetCEE’s vision is to provide a framework for accreditation of continuing professional development (CPD) for veterinarians all over Europe and beyond. VetCEE, supported by its founding organisations representing academia, the veterinary profession and the veterinary specialists, aspires to become a leader in CPD accreditation. Consequently, VetCEE seeks:

  • to guarantee quality of CPD throughout Europe for the benefit of consumers and veterinarians;
  • to serve as an independent entity that provides insight and transparency into the quality of CPD;
  • to keep veterinarians up-to-date with the latest scientific developments and to enhance their competence through appropriate and quality assured CPD;
  • to facilitate, in close collaboration with the national or local Veterinary Statutory Bodies or competent authorities in Europe, CPD recognition across Europe;
  • to establish national CPD committees (or equivalent) through Europe.


VetCEE’s mission is:

  • to establish minimum standards for the evaluation of all kind of veterinary CPD designed for veterinarians, e.g. courses, congresses, modular programmes, workshops, etc.;
  • to accredit any kind of veterinary CPD activity or e-learning material that fulfils the VetCEE quality requirements (high quality scientific content, free of bias, appropriate educational approach);
  • to work in close collaboration with the Veterinary Statutory Bodies and Competent Authorities towards a harmonised approach for mutual recognition of competences and credits accumulated by the veterinarians through accredited CPD across Europe.